It's season four and Asmodeus the immoral undead is still on vacation touring the US... hotels. He's in Boston this week answering questions from listeners like you!
In tonight's episode, Alice Belford the hunter meets... some hunters. There is heated contention over a mystical artifact! And Asmodeus falls in a hole!
The Mitchel Tanner Murder trial is here and the stakes are high. With such a high profile case, can the country keep up with the world in laws over the arcane?
Ill fortune is following the witch and her cat tonight on Spooky / Cute! Don't miss a little more school work and a visit from the grandparents in another episode of Spooky / Cute!!
Without Mr. Katz and Lucky, Ms. Truman is out working on a murder case and she's trapped in the locale with the murderer, a few hundred guests, and some very uncooperative police.